Hackers can get important information about any computer system through malicious programs like hardware, software and spy ware. It is quite important to follow a certain amount of safety while downloading files from the internet. Make sure that you check out the size of the file as the website in question might tell you that the size of the website is 234 KB but it is actually only 13 KB, this is quite alarming as the file can be a potent source of Trojan virus.
Always make use of a firewall before downloading any file which can be quite beneficial as the firewall program does not resort to downloading of any kind of a file which may hamper with the security settings of the computer. If the firewall program installed on your computer is not allowing the download of any file, never try to do so, because the file may send your important personal information to hackers. A firewall setting on your computer may try to block any outgoing sending of such information.
It is very important to make a file completely hacker safe by protecting it from malicious persons who may make wrong use of the information contained in your computer leaking it to third parties. File extension is also an important component of hacker safety. Always make sure that you are never downloading any file with the .exe component as it might contain any kind some kind of malicious software.
Internet-explorer adds on- Use internet explorer add-on that will warn you about any kind of potential threats that a website might contain which you are trying to visit. Use an internet-explorer adds on like McAffe Site Advisor which can protect you from visiting any dangerous internet website. You can download this program for free and it can also protect you from visiting any kind of a malicious website.
Install any anti-virus and anti-spy ware program on your computer to protect it from any kind of a virus. If you are not using software like an anti-spy ware program, then your computer is exposed to a higher amount of risk from Trojan viruses and malicious software programs. Files with twin name extension like FILENAME.img.exe should not be downloaded as they can be easy sources of potent viruses. Hacker safety is an important component of any system especially if it is put on a shared network where any information leakage can cause a substantial amount of damage to a company’s reputation and also harm its resources.