
An Introduction to SEO Article Writing

Search Engine Optimization has in recent years taken off and proved to be a colossal industry crucial to any business with a presence on the web. This is evident in the stress and hype around search engine ranking and the constant buzz of new and improved techniques to improve said rankings. It is therefore of little wonder that many of the marketing techniques employed in the real world (in the world not necessarily composed of 0’s and 1’s) have seen their equivalents take form on the web. SEO article writing is one of these clones and, as opposed to some of its predecessors, it seems as if it is here to stay.

Why SEO Article Writing?

Well, the answer to this is both immensely complex and extremely simple. It can be summed thus by the following analogy: search engine algorithms are becoming more and more like the human brain. And indeed, we see this with the current refinement of SEO techniques and especially with the advent of SEO article writing. It is the latter that serves a dual function by informing the general public of services you have to offer or any other piece of information deemed useful in the respective industry as well as giving you an excellent chance of getting noticed by search engines.

How Does It Work?

SEO article writing is basically centered on keywords, meaning that in the whole of an article, there will be a percentage of keywords present which will serve the purpose of informing search engines what the content is about. This has of course given rise to a lot of people writing nonsensical articles stuffed with a high volume of keywords to make their site seem important… until the search engines found out. Nowadays search engines employ something called Latent Search Indexing (LSI) which has the associated implication that text is not only scanned for the volume of keywords, but also the surrounding words and the context. In short, search engines have become proof readers and has as such pushed SEO article writing to a new level.

Who Can Do It?

Anyone can, granted they are literate and have some basic Internet skills. But of course it is also not that easy because not everyone can string words and paragraphs together to supply them with an elegant feel whilst still driving home that powerful selling edge, which is crucial on the Internet. Nowadays more and more companies are establishing themselves on the web to serve as a platform for people who require SEO article writing and those who can do it, providing yet more means of generating money through the Internet.

As SEO article writing becomes increasingly popular within the realms of SEO strategy, it is important to keep in mind that it is also becoming more and more competitive. The need for good writers is high, as quality still prevails over quantity, especially from a business point-of-view. The associated negative side to this, especially for business owners, is of course that it is a dynamic arena which requires ‘fresh content’ on a regular basis which could initially cost more than it brings in.

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